State Council approves Hengyang’s city plan

Updated: Feb 10,2017 3:00 PM     english.gov.cn

The State Council has approved the overall plan (2006-2020) for Hengyang city, Central China’s Hunan province.

Coordinated urban and rural development was urged in the designated area of 1,121 square kilometers, with extra attention to be paid to planning the city, county and major towns under its jurisdiction.

According to the plan, the Hengyang government will control the population of permanent urban residents to 1.7 million and limit urban construction land to 161 square kilometers. No new districts or development zones of any kind will be allowed outside of the approved area.

Newly added construction land should be strictly controlled, and underground space should be explored and utilized. Efforts should also be made to improve the land usage rate and protect basic farmland.

The State Council also urged the Hengyang government to improve urban infrastructure, establishing a comprehensive transportation system and promoting the construction of urban parking lots.

Other city infrastructure, such as water supply and waste disposal systems, should be developed with a coordinated plan. Disaster prevention and reduction work should also be reinforced, the circular said.

While strictly controlling the development of heavy-polluting industries, improvement should be made in sewage and waste treatment.

The State Council called for the development of public services concerning education, medical care and municipal administration, and accelerating the renovation of shantytowns and dilapidated buildings to create a resident-friendly city.

Efforts should also be made to protect historic culture and natural reserves, conduct ecological restoration and improve the environment, the document said.
