Focus on quicker approvals

Updated: Feb 4,2015 6:01 PM     english.gov.cn

In a circular issued on Feb 4, the State Council asked its departments to enhance administrative approval procedures, to create a fairer market environment, boost efficiency and reduce corruption.

All departments that are responsible for administrative approvals should rigorously implement laws and regulations at every step of the procedure, the circular said. They should also fully disclose information regarding approvals, in accordance with the law, to meet applicants’ right to know.

Procedures, generally, should be streamlined to make them less time consuming.

Designated areas should be established to receive all applications, and departments should also set up online application systems, the circular said.

Receipts should be issued once applications are submitted. If the applicants failed to submit all materials required, or if the materials submitted did not come in the correct form, the department should inform them clearly about what exactly is required and how it should be presented.

Deadlines should also be set by departments for processing applications.

Comprehensive guidance advice, covering the full range of applications, including conditions, requirements, estimated review time and fees, must also be issued by the departments.

Departments must also work out detailed working standards, and punish anyone who fails to meet them.

All departments that deal with approvals should submit their guidance advice and working standards to the State Council’s office of administrative approval reform by the end of June.

Departments should also enhance supervision on how officials are processing applications, especially whether they have fully disclosed relevant information to applicants, finished the procedures before the deadline or were guilty of any misconduct. A complaint hotline or email address must be set up.

The State Council asked its departments to establish an online platform for supervision and inquiries, so that information can be shared among various departments and between the central government and local authorities.
