China to promote healthy development of construction

Updated: Feb 24,2017 4:43 PM     english.gov.cn

The State Council issued a circular, stressing continuous reform and healthy development in the construction sector, to bolster China’s urbanization.

The circular asked for efforts to further simply qualification grades for construction enterprises, reduce unnecessary certifications, and promote “Internet Plus government services” in the sector.

It urged improving the bidding system to minimize and define the scope of projects that are subject to bidding, and promoting an e-bidding system and online evaluations.

Meanwhile, permits should be granted to suppliers that obtained projects through legal negotiations or a unique source.

As for prefabricated construction projects, the circular encouraged a turnkey mode, and urged efforts to improve related regulations on bidding, construction permission, and acceptance.

A batch of consulting enterprises for full-process construction should be developed with efforts to formulate consultation technical standards and contracts.

The circular also stressed a uniform and open market in the construction sector, and highlighted cultivation of construction personnel. By 2020, China should have 3 million medium-level skilled workers in the sector.

Corporate management of building workers is urged, while their lawful rights should be secured. By 2020, all workers should be covered by labor contracts before starting work.

And enterprises withholding wages should be blacklisted and given severe punishment.

Over the next decade, efforts should be made to promote smart and prefabricated construction, with the prefabricated buildings taking up to 30 percent of new construction areas.

In addition, the circular also asked for improved building designs to demonstrate local and ethnic features, and to raise standards on resource conservation, security, and health.

According to the circular, enterprises are encouraged to play a role in the Belt and Road Initiative, going global with their advantages in building railways, highways, electrical facilities, ports, airports, oil and gas pipelines, and high-rises.
